Jun 22, 2017
In this episode, Dr. Carmen Roman Interviews Dr. Maoli who passionately shares her years of knowledge and earned experience through her private practice as well as her own personal life experience.
Dr. Maoli helps couples to understand and improve their sexual life by bringing light into the imbedded blockages that might inhibit joy from the couple’s sexual relationship. Dr. Maoli is a clinical Psychologist with a Ph.D and Masters degree in Clinical Psychology. She has a private practice in Los Angeles South Bay area, Torrance, California, specializing in Sexuality, Eating Disorders, and Addictions.
Dr. Maoli also hosts her own Podcast “Sexology”.
What you will learn in this episode:
• Cultural taboos and expectations around sex
• Dr. Maoli’s favorite quote: “The real voyage of discovery consists of not having new landscapes, but in having new eyes.” - Marcel Proust
• Overcoming frustration in relationships after the sex life becomes monotonous
• Rediscovering yourself and your sexuality. Changing perspective regarding sex.
• Why is it essential to bring adventure and excitement to our sexual relationship?
• Belief systems that impair a joyful sexual life, i.e., shame, sex negative attitude, culture instilled negative image regarding sexuality, lack of presence due to a self-instilled negative body image, sexual assault.
• Common problems that couples experience after a few years into the relationship.
• What to do to solve some of the common problems such as loss of attraction towards the partner, mismatched libido levels, unresolved sexual disorders
• The consequences of lack of communication and openness regarding sexuality.
• How does life changes for a couple when they have young age children?
• Making the couple’s sexual life a priority after becoming parents
• Sex can be spontaneous even if it is scheduled.
• Creating emotional and physical attraction by nourishing sexuality through foreplay throughout the day by engaging your partner in the world of fantasy.
• When a couple is struggling in their sexual relationship, how does a person brings up the topic of the need to seek external help?
• What are some recommendations on approaching the topic about the need to seek help?
• A daily habit that contributes to a healthy sexual relationship.
• Tips to those starting therapy or the healing journey Recommended Online Resources:
• Blog: www.thedirtynormal.com by Emily Nagosky, Ph.D.
• Dr. Maoli’s podcast “Sexology” http://www.sexologypodcast.com
• Episode Celibacy & Desire where Dr Moali interviews Dr Carmen
Recommended books that provide a good foundation around marriage and sexuality:
Passionate Marriage by David Schnarch, Ph.D
Come as you Are by Emily Nagoski, Ph.D
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To contact Dr. Carmen Roman by email: carmen@armoniaemocional.com
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